You Are The Hypnotist Training Video

by Taylor & Josh on January 19, 2010

In this video, you’re going to discover one of the most important concepts to truly becoming an expert of Instant & Rapid Inductions. Many people will lead you to believe that technique is everything or that a Hypnosis Induction won’t work without a pre-talk, but neither of these statements are completely true. The Pre-talk is important, but there is a concept that is even more important in the greater sense of things.

If you’ve ever wondered why your inductions didn’t work or if you’ve ever wanted your subjects to respond more readily to your hypnotic suggestions then this video is the answer!

NOTE: This video almost didn’t get produced due to a massive snow storm that hit the Virginia area. Snow can be a beautiful site, but it can really hinder a product launch.  To see the snowy results for yourself you’ve got to check out the video.

Oh…also, this video also contains a special effect that would make Hollywood Jealous…Seriously!

Leave us a comment after you watch the video, and let us know what you think!

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uberVU - social comments
January 19, 2010 at 9:25 pm

{ 13 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Jason B January 19, 2010 at 9:15 pm

Awesome video!


2 Graham Lawrence January 19, 2010 at 9:19 pm

Hi, I’m amazed I’m the first to comment. Well here goes. Great blog and nice videos, we share the snow even if we don’t have the same skill sets 😉

You are right in what you say and I understand what I need to do (still have to do it though). I’m starting my training in a few weeks here in Switzerland so I will need everything I can get to make things work for me. I’m going to be a Master Hypnotist. I have the presence and the voice to carry it off and I’ll soon acquire the basic skills. You rock! Graham.


3 Cindy January 19, 2010 at 9:35 pm

Great Video! I enjoy how you break things down, into simple terms, so that even a beginner can understand. Yes, you do have an attitude…lol, and an edge. Good assets in life. And as a hypnotist. It also makes your videos fun and interesting to watch. Look forward to seeing more. You’re a wealth of knowledge!


4 Steve Roehm, MHt January 20, 2010 at 1:17 am

Great job. I am looking forward to getting together with you guys.


5 Colin Shaw January 20, 2010 at 2:06 am

Good start …… even though I’m already a hypnotherapist with my own practice, I’m always looking to learn more and more, and importantly, techniques that I am either unfamiliar with of currently not comfy with – especially anything outwith the usual Eriksonian avenue so prevalent in the UK.

Look forward to the next installment !


6 Jim Peters January 20, 2010 at 2:13 am

Wow, this is very good. You guys rock. When is the course coming out?


7 Taylor & Josh January 20, 2010 at 2:41 am

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the compliments. We’re going to be launching on Friday, Jan. 29th @ 3 PM. That’s in 9 days! Keep an eye on the blog — we’re going to be posting even more videos like this one.

Taylor & Josh


8 Age Regression Hypnosis January 20, 2010 at 12:53 am

Hey guys,

It’s a natural skill that many people don’t have to break complex topics into simplicity. Too many in our field try to make it more complex then it needs to be. Good job guys!

Matt Sison


9 Moritz January 20, 2010 at 4:55 am

Dear Taylor and Joshua,

I watched that video and it really helped me out with sorting my thoughts on my beeing the one in control and the one who knows all the stuff and does all the cool things :).

I am really happy i stumbled over this site and enjoy watching you videos.

Thank you,


10 Lic January 20, 2010 at 7:26 am

Hi Taylor,

Great start! I know what you mean about confidence. I wasn’t confident the first time I tried hypnotizing a woman. Frankly, I was afraid she’d just burst into laughter. So I cheated. I created a recording that was just about relaxing and gave it to her. A few days later she came back to me telling me how hypnotic my voice was and how many times she had played the recording. After that, trance was easy. For me, the most important part of gaining confidence is seeing your technique work.

You asked for feedback on what to include in your course. What I’d like to see is material geared towards couples who want to hypnotize each other for relaxation and fun.

Thank you so much.



11 Patrick January 23, 2010 at 2:51 pm

Your comments and videos are great, no mysterious strange language used that makes anyone feel inferior, just straight talking laymens language. Can these videos be copied on to my PC ? yeah its a strange thing to me and Im new to them too. If not will they be avaiable with your course. This has been great so far. Cant wait hopefully Im well up on the pre interest list as I dont wanna miss out.


12 David January 23, 2010 at 5:37 pm

Hi Taylor.

I really like the acting as if concept being applied to the hypnotist and not just the subject. I also agree with many of the comments here that your communication style is friendly and accessible, which is great.

I also really like seeing you at the beginning of the video. I wish that there was more footage of you interspersed throughout the duration of the video.

Great stuff. Looking forward to more.



13 Clark January 31, 2010 at 10:01 am

Awesome! Have you guys thought about creating a podcast for just your audio? It would be another avenue to get exposure, build relationships, and get more folks coming to your site to learn from you (and get your course). Looking forward to the future “Tranced Out” Podcast in my ITunes 😉 Great work!


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