Hypnotic Induction Welcome Video

by Taylor & Josh on January 18, 2010

Welcome to HypnoticInductionsBlog.com which is the home TRANCED OUT: The World’s First Instant and Rapid Inductions Home Study Course, which takes you beneath the surface of Hypnosis Inductions.

Over the course of the next 2 weeks we’re going to be releasing  a lot of  high value, high quality Hypnosis Induction Training Videos that will give you instant access to skills & techniques that you can take and immediately apply to your change work.

These videos are completely free. Why would we just give away tons of free videos that we could just package together and sell? Because we know that some of you who are reading this don’t know who we are, and there is a lot of junk being sold on the internet. So we thought, why not just release some really high quality content for everyone to enjoy and then we’ll let you be the judge if we are worthy of your future business/trust.

Beside awesome videos we’ll also be posting the latest news and updates for TRANCED OUT. As we release new content we’ll also be releasing more information about the TRANCED OUT program.

In this welcome video, Taylor explains

  • The purpose of the blog and Why we decided to create this course in the first place. The answer may surprise you.
  • What we plan to teach you / What you will learn and a brief mention of just a few of the world class Hypnotists involved with this project & a lot more information you’ll want to know.
  • One of the biggest reasons people fail when performing Instant and Rapid Inductions
  • An  introduction to Instant & Rapid Inductions, why we like them and the many benefits they provide.

Watch the video above, and leave us a comment below to let us know if we’re missing anything – or if you just have a question. We’ll do our best to answer anything you want to know in the next couple of weeks during this launch.

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Ben paul Forsyth January 18, 2010 at 6:47 pm

Fantastic stuff Taylor, I’ve hear all about the product and it’s seriously going to be a hit. No doubt about it. Josh’s mind combined with yours…it has to be!


2 Cindy January 18, 2010 at 7:15 pm

Josh and Taylor,

Nice to see the launch site up and running. I know how hard you guys worked on this! Congrats!!


3 Taylor Sherman January 19, 2010 at 12:18 am

Ben — Thanks for the positive energy! This is going to be a great launch and we’re already having a lot of fun with it.

Cindy — Your comments are always wonderful to hear, and you know how much we appreciate you. I hope you are well, and yes, it is nice seeing it up, isn’t it!!


4 doug January 19, 2010 at 1:23 am

Great vibe and excitement overlaying what seems to be a sound structural knowledge: kudos and congratulations!

As a newbie is this product also for me .. or is it primarily tailored (or Taylored) to experienced pros?


5 Taylor & Josh January 19, 2010 at 2:03 am

Hi Doug,

We’ve designed the Instant and Rapid Inductions Home Study Course to be just that — a complete course from beginning to end. We do toss in a lot of advanced stuff, and that’s why the DVDs are designed to be watched over and over again. When you get to that level then a lot of it will start making more sense to you.

This course is in fact great for beginners because it gets you started out on an even foundation where you can really learn what inductions are about, and then gives you “room to grow into,” where when it comes time for you to advance your skills, watch the videos again and you’ll get a whole new understanding out of them.

Unlike most programs, we offer coaching so that we can answer any questions that you might have. This is important for beginners because when you first start out you’ll have a lot of questions. We’ve also given you our Troubleshooting Instant and Rapid Inductions audio which will answer the most common objections that you’ll get with hypnosis. I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for your question!


6 Brian David Phillips January 19, 2010 at 9:14 am

Great guys. Glad to see you guys moving forward with this project!


7 HypnoRich January 19, 2010 at 10:46 pm

Hey Guys!
You are the best…excited about this blog…looking forward to helping and showing support.



8 Taylor & Josh January 19, 2010 at 10:52 pm

Hey Brian & Rich,

Thanks for all of your support, and yes it feels great to be moving forward!!

Keep your eyes tuned ’cause … “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet” 😉

Taylor and Josh


9 Patrick January 20, 2010 at 5:21 pm

Great to see this site up and running.Its what we all been waiting for. keep up the good work.Thanks again for allowing me in.


10 santosh January 23, 2010 at 4:41 pm

Hi guys, thanks for the competition, I am very interested in hypnosis but my family say it is taboo and I watch a lot of stuff in my room. I have a very strict hindu family living in UK and have watched stage hypnisis a lot and like david blain. I want to be able to learn hypnosis because when we went on a uni trip my friend was afraid of planes and had real problem with heights. Mr Perry our science teacher used hypnosis on him and ever since he had no problem with flying and heights. Mr Perry said that you can overcome lots of things with hypnosis. I want to overcome my shyness become self confident, please send me the course. I am a student and cannot afford the costs.


11 oldobxguy January 24, 2010 at 2:19 pm

Taylor, Im just an old retired fart sitting around trying to learn something new. Listened to many videos, visited many sites before being directed to yours. Can say without a doubt that I enjoy yours the most. Now before you start swelling with pride let me explain my unique situation which really may not be that unique. Im, in laymans terms, 75% deaf. When listening to other Hypnotist videos the speakers dialect (accent) and/or fast-talking, which is I guess their bread and butter, but never-the-less, leaves me somewhat disappointed. I know confusion can be part of a good induction but dont think its beneficial in anyones pre-sales presentation unless youre trying to trick someone into a purchase. Very unethical. Now back to you. Because you speak clearly, at a normal pace without annoying accent, your words come across loud and clear. This leaves me believing that I will enjoy following your blog. In which, I think, will contain more Substance than symbolism. All the best to you and Josh in this endeavor.
Chuck the oldobxguy


12 Dr.Lanka.K.Sastry January 26, 2010 at 7:32 am

This is simply the BEST


13 Joshua January 27, 2010 at 12:00 am

I’m new to hypnotising “to new to know anything” im 13 and im eager to learn.


14 Hypnotherapist May 25, 2010 at 6:53 am

Hi Joshua….
I am a qualified, experienced and compassionate clinical hypnotherapist and counsellor who specialises in hypnotherapy for self esteem and confidence issues, weight management/healthy lifestyle, motivation and achieving goals, emotional healing, overcoming abuse/childhod issues and sports performance improvement.


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